At Peak Performance Training Centers, Inc. (PPTC), we focus on participant-centered and individualized services that build upon an individual’s strength while developing their skills to live a meaningful life. We help our participants find the perfect job based on their career goals, skills, and interest. Our commitment is to enrich equal opportunities for our participants to live independently as possible in the community.
Transition to Work Services
Employment Services thru our Transition to Work services offered at Peak Performance Training Centers, Inc. (PPTC) provide job preparation training which includes, but is not limited to: job search, resume development, interview training, completing job applications, career planning, resume development, interview training, completing job applications, career planning, and on-site support to adults diagnosed with intellectual disabilities. Transition to Work assists participants in gaining the necessary skills and developing professional habits that will enable them to secure a job that closely aligns with their strengths, abilities, and career interests.
Peak Career Assessment System (PEAK CAS)
Peak Performance Training Centers, Inc. offers job preparation training which includes, but is not limited to job search, resume development, interview training, completing job applications, career planning, and on-site support to adults diagnosed with intellectual disabilities. Transition to Work assists participants in gaining the necessary skills and developing professional habits that will enable them to secure a job that closely aligns with their strengths, abilities, and career interests.
Community-Based Training
Community-based training provides participants with opportunities to engage in community activities that assist them in developing employable skills that will enable them to become attractive to employers so they will become hired. Instructional areas include, but are not limited to effective communication skills, money management, dress for success, mobility training, public transportation navigation, and more!
Paid Internship
Through our Paid Internships, participants can train hands-on in the company or career field of their choice and earn wages just as any employee occupying the same or similar position. This Internship period allows employers to witness the abilities possessed by the interns, with the intent to hire them once their internship period expires.
Mobility Training
Transportation Assessment Component Includes:
- Understanding Traffic Signals and Signs
- Understanding Bus Routes/Schedules
- Public Transportation Cost /Bus Pass
- Walking Routes (to and from work/lunch)
- Carpooling
- Transportation Safety and Navigation
- Emergency Management
Employment Preparation
- Interpersonal and Communication Skills Development
- Resume Development
- Completing Applications
- Job Search Skills
- How to Dress for Success
- Conduct On-Site Job Interviews
- Attend Job Fairs
- Develop Peer/Workplace Interpersonal Skills
- Understand Money Management/Financial Skills
Competitive Integrated Employment
Competitive Integrative Employment is full or part-time work for which an individual is paid minimum wage or greater in a setting with others who do not have disabilities. Our goal at PPTC and PTI is to assist participants in developing employable skills that lead to successful attainment of sustainable competitive integrated employment.
The goal of Transition to Work, through the right support and setting, is to assist interns with gaining fundamental professional skills that lead to successful and meaningful integrated employment.
Do not hesitate to send us a message to know more about our services.